1965 AMC Rambler Marlin 232
NOTE: This vehicle is currently being driven by the owner and is not currently at our lot. For more information regarding this vehicle please contact the owner using the contact information.
Color: Gray/Black
Engine: Straight 6 232
Trans: Automatic Trans.
Mileage: 68,386

Asking Price: $8,200

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Vehicle Owner's Comments
Here is a Rare 1965 Rambler Marlin Fast back 232 [in line] straight 6 engine. Original 68k miles. I'm the 2nd owner. Runs great. Good shocks, tires Mostly original. Newly done radiator worm & new water pump! Good battery [time for new interior but could use front seat covers for now]. Classic fun car to drive seatbelts in front & back seats. Large trunk . Original rims and hub caps. All 4 doors roll down to create open space. Told the front seats can lay flat. Horn works blinkers lights high amd low beams all 4 work. Brakes Good power brakes btw .Good windows all around no chips or cracks! Priced to sell. Check this one out. Call me for more information. (key # P71)
Please Note: This vehicle is currently being driven by the owner and is not currently at our lot. For more information regarding this vehicle please contact the owner using the contact information listed above.
VIN #: 2100594

NOTICE: The above information has been provided by the seller and is deemed reliable, but Display Space Rentals, Inc. D.B.A. Private Party Cars does not guarantee that information to be correct, or guarantee any future operation of this unit.
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